5 Things No One Tells You About College (Until It’s Too Late)

Coffee, pizza and late-night library cram sessions are old news, but what about the things no one tells you about your freshman year— things that will help you better manage your time, ace your classes and feel sane come finals? Here are 5 things every freshman should know:

5 things no one tells you about college

1.Your Grades May be Based on 2 Exams (and nothing more)

A midterm and a final often determine the entirety of your grade in a class (though, depending on the class, a midterm or final could be a paper instead). There probably won’t be any opportunities for extra credit. You need to study and (yes) go to class. Missing lectures and skipping class means you’ll be missing out on valuable material that will inevitably be included on the exam. So go to class!

2. Just Because You Don’t Have Homework Doesn’t Mean You Don’t Need to Study

Without daily homework assignments, it’s easy to put off reading and assignments. However, professors still expect you to keep up with the syllabus and be accountable for assigned reading. You need to study to keep up and stay ahead of the class. Flash cards, study groups, tutoring — find a study method that works for you and then stick with it.

3. You’ll Be Forced to Take Classes You Don’t “Need”

Electives are classes that are not part of your core area of study, and you’re usually required to take a number of electives throughout the year.

The upside is that these classes can give you an opportunity to try something new, and provide a break from your normal course load. Art history? Pottery? Mandarin? Don’t be afraid to try something that’s outside your comfort zone; this is a great time to explore what you’re passionate about.

4. Failing a Class Can Cost You Financially

Nobody wants to fail a class, but flunking a class can not only hurt your moral… it can also impact your financial aid. Not to mention you’ve already spent money to rent or buy textbooks (new semester = new edition) and class enrollment. Plan ahead and get the help you need if you think you’re in danger of failing.

5. Everyone Needs Extra Help In Tough Classes

Even the smartest students get challenged in college. The good new is that there are tons of resources to help you out, so don’t be afraid to ask for help! Tutoring can not only save you from failing a class; it can also provide an opportunity for you to make sure you are on track. No matter what the subject, or the time of day, InstaEDU has online tutors who can help 24/7.